Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by anonomous
what seems to be issue with Express girls?..we almost went there last year but backed off when it seemed sketchy when we asked about details--players/fees/coaches,etc.---is it because its another Boys centric program(like fl$) that just collects fees from girls program to fund the boys?...it seems like they have decent coaches on boys side....and apparently they have new girls director?...

Our experience was that they treated the team with no regard for coaching quality (NO EXPERIENCED COACHES on the sidelines for most tourney games) and worse still they treated parents like complete crap when they were questioned about this.... Practice was thinly attended, infrequent, and MOSTLY poorly coached. They can tout whatever they want on the boys side, but for the girls, they would have been beaten by most PAL teams.

My opinion mind you, but one from direct experience. Other's mileage may vary.

Express is basically PAL with traveling. Practices are poorly attended and even tournaments are not well attended by all. Coaching is not bad but if you are not getting everyone to attend practice , only half the team knows what to do. There is no fear of not playing when most times you are happy to have enough to field a complete team.