Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The BS has finally ruined a lacrosse forum that was at one time actually a good forum for talking about games and the league and the results. Now this forum is just about hurling insults, degrading other programs etc. Don't you want MSJ, JC Severn etc all to do well so the league remains the top in the country. Some of the elitist would like this to be a 5 team league....yea that would be alot of fun.

Nah, Every year it's the same thing. Moths to a flame.

With visions of grandeur, parents send their kids to a lax mill like Loyola and Calvert Hall that carries 50 kids on their varsity roster. Parents ignore the other 50-60 on JV and Fresh soph because, "Sonny will make it."

He doesn't. The kid gets buried on JV, and then quits or is cut by the time they are juniors.

Oh well. The good news is the parents can always complain here.

The elitist BS needs to stop. Its like BL, McD & CHC should never lose-even when they paly each other it should end in a tie... Everybody else is mediocre or bad. As far the visions of grandeur, that starts with the parents not looking at all 11 schools when deciding. Due to logistics, legacy, tuition cost, academic interest etc.. the list will be narrowed. Then you have to be realistic and figure out if and where he can actually see the field and be developed as a player. That may mean a little longer commute, but be open. Watch out for the coach BS meter that will promise you the world just because he does not want you going somewhere else. Please note: BL & CHC only play about 18 tops off of the 50 man-some games less. There is treasure that would benefit other schools from player 19-30. The rest will never see the field. I use to put Loyola into this same category because they are a 50 man roster as well-but not recently based on recruiting. McD's roster is not a 50 man and the fall off is drastic after the top 13 or so play. By getting more talent on the field the whole league becomes more competitive. Parents if you do not follow this blueprint to some degree please don't come on here and complain about your bad experience.