Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yet both teams will lose 2-3 games in spring league play.

What's pathetic is most on this board are so focused on spring league and tournaments wins etc. I would hope for the players their goals are much higher than that, because in the end who cares about 8th grade lacrosse?

Seems like you are new here…so first off…welcome. We love new anonymous posters.

This forum is mostly focused on holdbacks, speculation about player movement, Coach Rage at the Hawks(he seems terrible), How awesome the Crabs will be (I’m skeptical), how awful the MadLax owner is(he’s the worst), the collapse of Looneys and FCA(I believe this), who is ‘elite’,(TBD) and every now and again some donkeyposts about how the Predators are taking over the world, despite never having played a game. we all assume the Preds talk is a troll, but hard to tell for sure.

It’s not really about just spring league and tournament wins. But that topic does come up in the context of the above topics.

And yes…it’s 8th grade lax and we love it.

🤣 LMAO and spot on! We all need a place to go for some comic relief too. You will find many very funny and clever parents on BOTC along with the rude , obnoxious, ignorant ones as well. And of course, all anonymous too! Makes it even more interesting.

There are also some very knowledgeable, helpful Lacrosse people on here! I have learned some very helpful things from BOTC. I’m thankful for that , and think that is what it was originally intended for?! So, take it for what it is. Love it or leave it.