Originally Posted by Anonymous
My son plays on a football team that has a bunch of 26 Hawks kids on its roster. The weekend of the fall tournament coincided with a football playoff game where one team had maybe 6 or so Hawks playing against our team that has 6 Hawks kids on the roster. Like high school sports, in season games take priority over out of season events. Hard to play lacrosse with 1/2 a team. Other then this there is not much to the story of the Hawks cancelling their tournament participation.

This is highly plausible. A random football parent, which happens to have Hawks kids on said football team, stumbles onto this board to vouch for why the team withdrawals from a major tournament, after playing amateurs teams all fall? While considered a decent lawyer, even a lawyer with a night law degree from University of Baltimore would not postulate such nonsense. How about you try again with another excuse?