Originally Posted by Anonymous
Does anyone really want to go to Denver in the summer? My son's team is going to the qualifier and will likely be invited (not definitely, of course) and half of the team does not want to do it. I've spoken to parents from other teams as well and, though they would never admit it to the coaches, they have no desire to spend that extra money to fly away from the beaches that they wait 10 months to go to. It's the 4th of July for God's sake. It's just such a stupid idea. The NLF tournament at Lehigh is a much better option. No need to do both.

You are 100% correct. I think my son's team will be invited but I have no desire to attend with a family of 5. I would rather be someplace by the water, however the NLF aka the Lax Mafia only invite mostly member clubs so it's not truly open to everyone.