You must be talking about true blue, that's there pitch.[/quote]

Looks like True Blue kept every single player from last year and added kids from 91, Express, Recon and Outlaws. If your sick of daddy ball go play for Coach Cat. TB on the rise at all ages. [/quote]
No they didn't. Stop the lies. You suck a$_ wipe. [/quote]

Hahahaha you will see soon enough. Then you will join also. If your son can even make it.
You really need to stop writing about how you are the greatest thing on earth. You are a niche area club of locals only. TB has, and will lose to all of the "top" clubs.[/quote]

TB's Massapequa proportions are down - on some of their teams, they aren't even the largest number of boys from one area . . .[/quote]
JC, and CR are a bunch of losers along with their trash responses on this forum. Go have another big burrito for desert.