Originally Posted by Anonymous
To the dad that made the following post...

So, the smallest kids, (which usually are the coaches sons) for the most part play which position???
While the larger kids can play anywhere on the field..
Size and athleticism has everything to do with it. You can't teach those attributes but you can teach stick skills and IQ.
If size didn't matter why would the smallest kids all be huddled at attack??

Here's my response to you...

Dude, you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. You are saying only the smallest kids play attack. Let's look at the top 3 LI teams. In no special order, they are Taz, WP and Express. The starting attack for each of those teams have at least one big player on it, if not two. This is fact. If your son plays for one of these teams, which I'm sure he does, you must already know this. Taking these three teams as examples, approximately half of the attackman are larger kids. So, you are completely wrong when you say only the small kids play attack. That begs the question... why are you making that statement if it is not true?? That's simple. You are obsessed with your jealousy of small talented players, because you perceive them to be getting all of the glory, and taking that glory position away from your son who is a bigger kid, playing defense. That sound about right. You bet it does! I'm willing to bet that you are a jealous defenseman's dad from Taz, which really narrows it down for anyone who is trying to figure out who you are. I've heard there is a lot of that going on with Taz. And the comment about coaches sons playing attack, totally gave you away!! Your son is one of the bigger kids and you perceive that his size equates to ability and lacrosse IQ. But you have never played the sport, so you really have no idea. It doesn't. So, he is stuck with a pole in his hand. Not everyone can be an attackmen, like not everyone can be a quarterback. In order to make a lacrosse team work, you need good solid defenders. In football, you need a good solid line. Bottom line for you: Get use to it. It's probably never going to change. Value the defenseman position for it's important contribution to the team, and don't belittle it, just because there isn't a lot of glory associated with it.

.the crystal ball needs a recharge ...............or maybe this is the guy who takes the kids jersey names and triangulates it with the home and work IP addresses