Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have to agree with that but not tone of the comment. The guy was just expressing some frustration. Just remember that comment when your kid gets cut and you are talking trash about your current club. I love Lacrosse parents. Enjoy your ride. We will stay off that train until it counts.

Its ok to get cut or not make the club.
its called Life.
If my son or Daughter is not good enough to make the team so be it. That's life. Its a life lesson they must learn to deal with . There are plenty of let downs kids have to learn to deal with in life. You can not teach that lesson, unless you as a parent can deal with it yourself. Not everyone can get a trophy, or the job, or the raise ETC. Excuses get you no where.

Amen to that.

What is truly laughable is that now we have morons bloviating about how Eclipse and Express North would “destroy” other Westchester/Fairfield teams.

Hate to break it to you. No one cares.
Kinda like arguing that you have the best winery in Detroit.

Long Island teams are our models for the time being.
Adapt and progress. Recognize their excellence and emulate it.

The team you are bashing today, could be the team your son is on next year.