Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not being able to go to Denver explains soooo much, Never thought about it until it was raised here.

All we have heard from you Madlax parents is how well to do you are with tales of your wealth in Fairfax County as orthodontists and bragging about employment at Camelot (must be a hedge fund). and now you are crying poverty about Denver being too costly?

Sorry no sale.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with having a team full of holdbacks. Guess the orthodontist and all of the rich northern VA suburb people have fallen on hard times! It must help that all of your hold backs are Madlax scholarship recipients though right??

Fellow LI’ers. In the spirit of the holiday, let’s pass the hat for our good friends in VA to insure they have food on their tables, for all of their holdbacks. Hey, those big kids eat a lot!


Same reason why the [lacrosse]'s TOC has died. Just a money play to get parents desperate to win a trophy. Of course all of our families can afford. We went to real schools and got real jobs. We didn't see Stony Brook or Hofstra as anything but a toilet.

Sad that you can't take your pummeling with any grace. You should get a Madlax leg tat.