Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]9/1/05 of before is the US Lax guidelines...2024
that is correct. 9/01/2005 anyone before that is a hold back. 10/31/2005 for football ...

So now we have a new classification of Holdback... Silly lax folks...... Now a"lax holdback" is anything before Sept. 1. Go tickle yourself.

What a joke. Whatever you parents wanna call it is fine by me.. The math doesn't lie and everyone knows.. Not getting over on ANYONE....


Let me ask you a question. Your child is in preK or nursery and a late summer birthday, and you get posed the question. Do you want your child to be the youngest in the class or the oldest? ALL research points to be the older. For many different reasons...the last of which is freaking grade school travel lacrosse.
So now you are here. What do you do? Play with kids in your grade, and are your good buddies? Or go to a brand new grade and play with kids that you dont know. Cant carpool. Etc etc etc.

This being said, my son is not a difference maker. He loves playing with his buddies. And wants to go to practice every day. And yes, he is on one of the "top 5" teams.
[/quote ]There is nothing wrong with that at all. how about this .... your child is born 11/25 or 11/26 , 11/27 2005 etc. is 1 month and a couple of days older then a child born jan .1. 2006 does that 1 month make a huge difference? Does it make the 2005 kid so much better? Now a child born January 1 2006 and a child born 11/30 2006 is a 10 month difference same year Does that make a huge difference? If you complain about a hold back than they way you are looking at things is wrong. Otherwise we should make teams based on 3 month intervals. get the point. If your kid is a good Athlete he will compete just fine. and in 2 years will make absolutely no difference. So stop all the complaining. it will all work out in the end

So, the basis of your counterargument is because it is unreasonable/unrealistic to do 3 month interval levels, then don't do anything more reasonable to improve the system. Got it!