I'm a Blast parent and against my better judgment, I'm going to post some thoughts on all the stuff flying around on this site. I'm not sure why I'm bothering because most likely it will not result in any reasonable conversation, but I'll make an attempt anyway because I think it is important.

I have personally had an issue with the Blast coach from West Islip coach. I don't like him and I've never kept it a secret. The question is - who cares? No one cares. Not even me - because it doesn't matter. There are four coaches, I don't have to like every one of them. We all don't have to like everyone. We should, however, do our best to get along. I say "Hello" to him, he says "Hello" to me and we move on. The world has not ended. If he's here next year, I don't expect the world to end then either. If he's not, good luck to him and his son. Either way, it doesn't create a drag on the team or the kids.

Anonymous bashing on this site - people come on this site to bash parents, coaches, and kids. I have personally seen my child and myself be a topic of conversation a few times. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Again I will say, who cares? People are going to talk. I don't pay attention to it. Sometimes I even find it amusing. I suggest no one else should care either. Just let it go. Anonymous words will not hurt you or your child unless you let them.

Here is what will: Poisonous sidelines. Parents not getting along. Egos damaging the feeling of family that the team, the kids, and parents, should have. That's bad news. I humbly suggest that if you're unhappy with a coach, talk to 9d1 instead of posting it here for the world to see. If you don't like a parent or parents, try your best to be civil. If you are unhappy with the team or don't like some parents, keep it to yourself and make a change after the season is over. All this excessive noise isn't helpful to anyone, least of all the kids which should be everyone's main concern. Also of concern, we shouldn't be airing our dirty laundry in public. While it might be fun to bash someone anonymously on the Internet, it certainly doesn't look so great for the team.

The bottom line - maybe we can all just dial it back a notch? We've got a whole summer ahead of us, let's do our best to enjoy the ride and make it a good summer for parents and kids alike.