Wow, I just found this site and spent an hour and a half of my life reading all the posts, and I must say it was well worth it. Even entertaining! The culture education about the various parent "types" was just amazing. And I have to be honest the guys posting about the orange slices and playing to win? Just awesome, I agree, go play PAL or stop your damn crying and bellyaching. If you're a Geister or Blastard, or Expressionist then you and your kid are 100% relentless's simply who they are and if you are there for any other reason than to get better and WIN......well, sorry to break the news to you, but you might want to consider packing your sht and taking little Georgie back to join the Mediocres. These teams PLAY TO WIN. Only the strong survive, just like LIFE. Better to teach them young than to bubble wrap them and wipe it for them. I love the guy who told the mom pleading for decency and they are only in 4th grade and fun and bla bla bla to get lost lmao. And the other knuckle head posting stats about multi-sport training hahaha! What a joke. When in a room of savages act accordingly! Can't wait for the tournament tomorrow and to see all the psycho dads and moms pacing and screaming, especially the fat ugly bald ones. It's like the fatter and balder they are, the crazier they are. It's weird because so many of the lax dads are like soccer moms. They stroll the sidelines stressing and coaching their kids and waiting anxiously to squirt water bottles in little bobby's mouth the moment he runs over. And the moms, xanex hangovers and first time out of the house for the week to get some sunshine on their asses. It's awesome LMFAO! Good luck tomorrow y'all, and especially to the psycho teams! Gonna be a fun show!!