Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
score a goal?most of the blast kids view the playing field from the sideline.they have 12 cheerleaders paying $2400 a year.9 dee one should be wearing a mask

Say what you want, you'll see in the spring. We're practicing 3-4 times a week all winter. Do you think anyone else puts in that much work? That's why Blast won't be beat. We'll be stronger, top to bottom , than most 5th grade teams, excluding Wolfpack, by the time summer gets here. Then you can all shut the [lacrosse] up.

We?!?!? We're practicing?!?!?
Let's put aside how stupid that sounds for a minute.

If this is true, that the team is practicing 3-4 times per week, this team will do nothing come spring/summer time. The kids will hate this sport because of their a-hole Dad that thinks he is on the team and this is a good idea.

It's winter. You want to keep a team practice once a week, go ahead. Add on a training session to work on footwork or stick work, great. 4 practices a week is ludicrous!!

To me - 4x a week practice is very telling. JS not happy with the group and feels the need to overwork them so he can be competitive in the summer, not dominant.

Talk to any GOOD coach (in any sport). The last thing they want is someone playing the same sport all year long. You need to be able to work different muscles, different motions to improve, or else you hit a wall. No kid should be having high volume lacrosse reps 4x per week (plus their work at home pledge sheet).

It's basketball season. Do you even understand how the footwork in basketball helps in lacrosse?? Take defense for example. If your boy can develop as a good defender in basketball over the winter, he'll be phenomenal in the spring when he can add a stick. He'll learn how not to be reliant on the stick to play defense, but be more comfortable with his feet and body positioning.

blast is a very good 4th grade team.But don't make poor predictions like you will beat most 5th grade teams??Just not happening.actually there are not to many 5th grade teams that blast could beat!Stay playing in 4th grade division. there is enough competition there for you. We all saw what happened to blast when they ventured up during Halloween.