Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All very talented kids with a few idiot parents. I'd rather be on the #3 team if it meant we had less parents that cared about being #1. Eventually The focus becomes only on winning and not making players better. That job gets passed on to The parents paying for additional training

I'm on my fourth kid in travel lacrosse. 91 from its beginning has been populated by low class knucklehead parents and that continues obviously. They are 9 - honestly feel bad for those kids.

No you don't, you are bitter that you are 0 - 4. I feel bad that your kids couldn't make an Orange team

Says the trashy parent.... Only a 9 one parent would say that.

Yes, an Orange parent. You start with the low class and trashy comments and I just know you are missing what we really are, which is proud of our kids.

Maybe your last one can make Orange next year. Loser.

Plenty of other parents are PROUD of their children. They just have class and don't go around talking poorly about other NINE year olds. The proper word of parents that do that is trash not proud. My son is an excellent A player, but regardless, I would be proud of him if he put 100% effort in. But even more proud when he extends his hand to help the kid up who fell and say great shot to the kid deserving of it. That makes ME proud of my child.