If my kid was playing in a top tier district, makes sense to play with your school.
What if your child is not playing in a top tier district and the coach still demands “No summer teams other than your schools", what then?

Over the years my observation is if the kid for whatever reason; skill, size, political, etc… does not make a “A”/ “AA” type team why spend the 1k plus for a “B” or “C” team?
If your school maintains a program over the summer, stay with them , has already played with those kids over the spring and knows them, coaches, etc…

I observed a mid-tier school team at a few tournaments this past summer beat at times handily some of the “big name” summer programs at various tournaments.
Granted its “B” level, but that’s the point, why spend all that extra money?
Spend it on showcase camps…

1. Spend that extra money if school does not stay together after their spring season.
2. Spend that extra money if your child can make a “A” or “AA” team and their school team is not a top district.

Other than that stay together for the entire year…