Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here is the true reality. More lacrosse is GOOD for all players. If your coach is preventing your child from playing with other teams, it is time to find a new team.

This is a great idea, which hardly works in reality. Changing practice schedules spread among an entire roster can not work, considering the spread of seperate localities on one team. How many times have we seen a coach at the end of a practice,trying to align the next practice with 20 kids? First, the kids do not know the schedule for the next week. Next, the coach sets his schedule for a tentative date, then the email chain changes it all. You get it. Been there? It all seems to be about that "balance". We try to do what's best for the kid's perfomance, attempt to keep it enjoyable, consider that some college help is possible, maintain association with school peers, etc.
We HAVE seen kids and their parents simply DUMP the PAL for greener pastures, but they tend to teach the kid to jump ship in any situation. We have also seen what staying involved in your town can bring to aid in many other satisfying experiences as well. Balance... may be different for each family or district.