We were in a similar position also in northern Westchester, my son is in middle school and played for the town summer team last year, coached by several of the HS coaches. I have to say he had the best coaching he's ever had and he loved it ! However this year he decided to try out for one of the club teams and made it. It was a tough decision but he decided to give the club a try this summer mostly due to the fact that although the town /HS coaches are phenomenal the level of a lot of the kids he'd be playing with is sub par because anyone can play, there's no tryout. Most of the kids who are better players play for club teams. He's the kind of kid who is a great town player but just a decent club player and he needs to be challenged by playing with better kids. So my point is that the town summer programs have their pros and cons and you need to decide whats best for your son. Don't listen to other parents you never know their intentions. I know for a fact that many of the starting players in our high school played for club teams in the summer, so I agree with if you're good you'll play. Good for you not being pressured! All the politics are in the town youth programs where the daddies are still coaching!