Originally Posted by Anonymous
$950 SACHEM NORTH THIEVES!!!! That's $950 a player. and there's SSC underling coaches at the varsity coaches knees like minions making sure goes well. highway robbery. for a handful of tournaments definitely a conflict of interest. 950 kid times probably 17-20 kids. Lmfao. and people are dumb enough to pay that. those coaches will be high giving at the high stakes table in Atlantic city with your money or buying themselves a new car

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Do you even know how much it costs per team to enter a tournament?
How much does insurance cost?
Travel expenses for coaches to go to away tournaments?
If you think anyone is getting rich off of $ 950 a kid for 5 tournaments you dont have a clue.
If you think they are ripping you off go join the Express or 91 and pay $2500 plus.