Originally Posted by Anonymous
Is the AD responsible for attending league movement meetings? Determining player eligibility? Game forfeits across sports? Scheduling conference games, times? All game times "TBD" for JC. All sports. Scheduling, paying referees? Refs showed up at wrong time or not at all? Updating athletic website? No updates 2 years. For all sports.

Admin wants a team to compete in the A and provides C level support. And that's an insult to C schools. Pretty obvious the AD has been sleeping on the job.

Youre onto something valid here....but the other side of this coin....when you negotiate conditions for a leadership job, you're negotiating for the resources you need to be successful. Including support personnel. Something I see is that people who are hyper talented in their "skill" tend to ignore this... either they believe they can do it all, or they assume they can add positions later (no leverage to do so) , or they blow it off and assume they'll figure it out later.

Unless you can tell me the JC coach negotiated for these kinds of specific support....and then the school broke that agreement...I'm inclined to believe he didn't think he needed to secure these resources...fatal mistake in a job like this.