Originally Posted by Anonymous
Anybody digging for more info on this forum is a low life. They are kids. I thought as adults we are suppose to be forgiving. I guess not, all of you have character problems. I may not be perfect myself but I know enough and have enough dignity to know that kids make mistakes. So sad, If this was your kid you’d be freaking out too. Funny how that works. I bet all of you looking for trouble have kids that do the same garbage. So sad this is what the world has come too. The reason this is a big deal (It’s not at all)? All because they play lacrosse at an MIAA School. If this was Annapolis high school, or Kent Island, who would care? The video should be deleted if there is one, as an adult why would you want a video of kids fighting? What are you gonna do with that? If it was your kid you’d want it deleted. Be the mature people you think you guys are and delete this thread. Right now you all look like a bunch of girls in high school gossiping, look at how bad that sounds (I’m sure you remember the gossip in high school back in the day) Your doing nothing but potentially ruining a kid and or kids career and just trashing their name, for no reason other than that they play lacrosse at MIAA schools. So sad. Grow up

This is sad. Who needs to grow up here. We are talking physical altercations here. Not verbal. Sticks and stones may break my bones … etc. Maybe parents at fault here, giving kids too many passes. Raise your kids right!