Originally Posted by Anonymous
He has always had a clear loyalty or bias to MIAA which Ive liked selfishly but this adds a different tint. Friend brought up a point that him being a business partner with Petro and Petro's son being on the team goes hand in hand with all Lids love as well as trying to make BL (son)player better than he is with the hype and will be higher than he should. Wait till the rankings come out oh brother. This type of perception reflects bad on a sport that has a reputation for back room deals. Even if false the perception with business partners with one and accepting flights and dinners with another is not positive. Our son is a 2021 and we are almost out of this world but many are talking about this which is sad. Wonder how IL feels and if it forces them to change how rankings are done. Different point wonder how many student athletes think about Post grad years as 2021 seems in danger.Thats all now to OC for a few days

Petro is royalty is lax. His kid is a player and stands on his own. But Petro can just call buddies and get his kid recruited. He doesn’t need all this stuff you allege to make yourself feel better.[/quote]

yes Petro is royalty in lax. but that is not the point. Him being involved in many events with IL writer and player drawing unworthy praise is a modern day version of daddy ball. Add the Lids perks and antics planes, meals etc and the BL player now being on that team and it is all very crooked. Don't get me wrong the (BL) player is very good and an elite talent and probably top five or six in the class and you know it burned IL that he was outplayed badly by other top talent at the earlier elite events Junior event and their Main Stage events or they would be pushing for higher.
Unrelated but related son was at Border Battles thought there was some great instruction he enjoyed it would be great as a winter event to prepare players for spring/summer