Originally Posted by Anonymous
I was hoping to solicit some feedback from out-of-state families that has a son that goes to an MIAA school. My son plays club lacrosse in Maryland and is in middle school, we have had some conversations with some coaches about him attending school there for High School to play lacrosse. Have you found it worth if for him for lacrosse (obviously they are all amazing schools to attend academically and socially for the kids)? Our local HS is not a lacrosse powerhouse, so this is an attractive option for lacrosse for our family. We are obviously far away from knowing if he can develop into a player that can play at the next level, but I fear he won't have that opportunity if he is playing locally for a school that does not have a lot of lacrosse athletes. I would also love any feedback if your son lives on campus, we do not want to move to Maryland, so that would be our only option. You only get so many years with your kids, does the chance of playing at the next level outweigh not having your son at home all of the time? I am ignoring the financial implications at this time as I am aware of the cost (which is insane but it is what it is).

Academically it is very good, Socially could go either way, some nice boys/girls and some not so nice boys/girls. McD has activities on campus most weekends , surrounding area isnt the greatest. Many of their boarders at McD dont live that far away, just dont want their kids to commute for sports and school. Many go home on weekend. BL all boys( recent boarding) is a campus away from most and not that big. It just started boarding....

If you son really wants to play at a High Level and has the drive and motivation and will go the extra mile with workouts, shooting , etc, then i would guess it is a good option if you dont mind missing him . Lots of people board their kids in HS. I would never, but many would . You only have one shot with them in HS. I personally would rather them be at home but wouldn't blame anyone who bordered their child.