Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Old lazy coaches in the MIAA better figure it out because all the new young coaches even the ones with ouside help want to win and it appears at any cost. MCD losing when it counts,STM losing last 3 games when it counted,CH playing average with top talent. How teams finish a year is a direct result from coaching.Teams are still not even formed until Spring while other teams have played 20 games during summer,fall and winter.

TRUE-Coaches that have been around awhile need to adapt to a season starting in Summer not Spring. Obviously all schools are different in size and multiple sport players have an affect on this but waiting till Spring to set a team seems lazy,arrogant and ridiculous.Talent is as strong as ever across the board and last year it was clear the talent didnt disappoint, it was the coaching.

Think it is time for a few more coaches in MIAA to be replaced. Doubt it happens.. To much nepotism