Originally Posted by Anonymous
Academically it is very good, Socially could go either way, some nice boys/girls and some not so nice boys/girls. McD has activities on campus most weekends , surrounding area isnt the greatest. Many of their boarders at McD dont live that far away, just dont want their kids to commute for sports and school. Many go home on weekend. BL all boys( recent boarding) is a campus away from most and not that big. It just started boarding....

If you son really wants to play at a High Level and has the drive and motivation and will go the extra mile with workouts, shooting , etc, then i would guess it is a good option if you dont mind missing him . Lots of people board their kids in HS. I would never, but many would . You only have one shot with them in HS. I personally would rather them be at home but wouldn't blame anyone who bordered their child.

The area around McDonogh isn't the greatest? BL has a small campus away from most? with are you even talking about? Owings Mills is fine, and BL has a huge campus on both sides of Lake Ave. that couldn't be more centrally located in the MIAA-A if it tried.