Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
public schools also get more of the young teachers who actually believe they can mold and change students, they are more energetic and creative in the classroom. most of the private school teachers are retired public school teachers or teachers who want to remain sheltered for the harsh realities of the real world....ie … being challenged to educate the under privileged.

Give it a rest. Trying to convince yourself that public education is better than a private education is a joke.

it is, I understand most private school parents won't admit it, I get it they spend 20+ grand a year for mediocre education. the good thing about private school is the average student is held accountable for their actions. the students have to show up, behave, and maintain passing grades. the private schools also have better disiplinary actions...they can actually kick students out of the school. public schools don't have much if any of that. what they do have though, is better teachers and a more rigorous academic environment for the over academic achievers.

You need to step away from the keyboard my man. Clearly you are working hard to justify your decision to keep junior in public when the opportunity was there to switch him over to private. Your reasons are your own but you should dial yourself back... This reads as if you have zero clue what actually happens in a private school and are just building a set of justifications; painting with an awfully broad brush in the process.