Change to Grad Years has made it worse, most prep and bmore private schools were already reclassing kids but now its across the board and with club lacrosse spread like wildfire parents are way more invested not just with money but time.So many schools to choose from within a few mile radius or even ones that travel 30-60 miles away.(to play with other reclass kids) Parents in the 70's-90's never were so invested in their kids teams like they are now. Not only the kid but the parent spends just as much time as player on a year round club team.Then add the money being spent to make sure player is GREAT makes sites like these so darn fun and entertaining. The helicopter parents badly drivng around in full size SUVS cant get enough of it. The obsession of not letting kid fail or fall behind is why this is such a sore subject. Even though those that may fall behind or play on B teams always manage to catch right up, be just fine and learn some valuable life lessons in the process.[/quote]


What is so hard to understand. For years prep schools had the monopoly on holdbacks/reclass/prefirsts.. Now everyone wants to join the fun with grade based teams..sad turn for lacrosse, but no going back now.[/quote]

Sorry. You just lost me with the "full size SUVs" comment...I re-read slowly and think I understand now. You are saying every kid that is better than yours is a "pre-first" or "holdback." Any team better must be full of them as well. Do I get it now?