Received a similar response from US Lacrosse but they do have control if they want it. Several of the tournament providers known for not verifying ages and turning their backs on teams that are known offenders of loading teams with kids outside of even the two year span, are using US Lacrosse insurance and they should not be allowed to use the insurance if they are not willing to collect birth certificates and report cards similar to the structure used by AAU for basketball and other sports. This is not rocket science - other supervisory athletic organizations do it and we deserve better for our kids. $25-35 a year and they are not requiring even those tournaments requiring US Lacrosse membership #s for registration and who are using their blanket insurance (that we pay for) to institute guidelines. Gold Stick is a step in the right direction but it is voluntary. Kudos to the Dicks NDP tournies for stepping up to require birth certificates this year and keeping them on file for future years! Please send a message by encouraging your clubs to walk away from events that do not require proof of age.