even if USL puts a system in place for ID's and even if they only sanction tourneys that are age based it will still not make a difference, there is nothing that says a tournament will have to be or want to be USL sanctioned event and nothing that will force them. Any decent recruiting tournament will always be grade based because that is what the college recruiters want to see 2017's v 2017's.

My son is a 2018 and was born in 2000 (correct birth year for grade) and plays on a competitive summer team, I would never join a team that was age based and only went to age based tournaments - I want him playing against 2018's regardless of age because that is who is competing against for a college roster spot.

When all is said and done nobody cares who wins a tournament and it is not about the competition it is about improving as a player and getting into a better scholastic college then you could have without lacrosse.