Its just incredible, the U Based system, not a 2 yr U, a 1 yr U, can't be used. It will simply keep everyone on the same equal playing field. Kid isn't doing well in school, not mature enough, I agree , hold him back, do what's best for your sons life, like we all would, however the sports aspect should be aged based, plain and simple. Football, baseball, soccer, hockey, they all have cutoff ages, why is it only this sport that can't seem to get it right. This just dosent seem that hard to do. AUG 31st. The age you are on that day is your team. This way 10 yr olds aren't playing 8 yr olds. I don't underdtand how US lacrosse, can't seem to even try to enforce this fair way to play. All this back and forth, he is older, she is older, your team has 3 holdbacks, my team plays up, back and forth. It would be safer and in the best interest of the sport to do this.