Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’ll make a comment on youth sports in general and as to IMO these altercations are occurring.
I was at a 2022 tourney a few weeks ago and the teams aren’t important. But what is important across the board is the behavior of the coaches on the sidelines when they don’t get a call or have any issues with the refs. It’s deploable. Now not all, but many fall into this category.
The sideline attitude transfers to the players on the field. The constant screaming at the refs transcends to the players and they start chirping at the refs/other players as well. This is youth sports and is unacceptable. Many of these coaches are gentlemen off the field and go off the rails on the sidelines. We are all competitive in nature but teaching to play hard and clean and respect your opponent and honor the game have gone completely out the window.
I witnessed at least 3 kids on the opposing teams chirping at the refs who made a call against their team. Don’t get me wrong, the team my son was a guest on the coach was not quiet at all and rode the refs hard. Personally, if one of my players spoke to the refs in anything other then a respectful manor, I would pull them off the field myself as a coach and bench them without any prompting.
Meanwhile one of the players chirping at the ref had 4-5 personal fouls in the game and played every minute he wasn’t in the box, also a bad message to send IMO.

The bottomline for me is, set a good positive example for the players(kids) and they will be respectful. Set the tone we currently are, and expect more bad behavior. If I was a ref and a child spoke to me in a disrespectful manner, both teams would get a warning and the next time any player would be ejected from any game I reffed. The refs aren’t punching bags and yes bad calls are made, but the direction of all youth sports is going in a direction it shouldn’t be.

Thank you for sharing, I couldn't agree more. I'm not going to profess that I have an easy fix, but it 100% starts and finishes with the adults. Coaches, Parents, Aunts/Uncles...
If WE spread positive, the kids follow. If WE display self-control in the face of adversity, the kids will follow. I LOVE this game. It's sad what can be seen, not all the time, but too often, at these games. And for what?! A T-Shirt?!

Club Directors have the greatest responsibility to the game, and that is to help foster better sportsmanship at these pay-for-play tournaments. Winning IS NOT, everything! COMPETING IS! In particular when the competitors have fought hard, and HONORABLY.

CLUB DIRECTORS: Pony up! Give back to the game that has enriched you. Start a Coalition for positive change in youth lacrosse that promotes friendship, competition and respect! I'm sure US Lacrosse, or any local lacrosse organization would welcome the leadership.

I assuming this post is in reference to the embarrassing display of MM and Team 91 last weekend. A bench clearing brawl; this club owner and coach encompasses everything that is wrong with youth sports today. Something needs to be done to clears the sidelines of these types of coaches.