Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
High achievers are to be commended no doubt, but please remind your high achiever that their crap stinks like everyone elses and lacrosse like the workplace is a team game. Selfish me first people is not who you want to surround yourself with at work or on the field. High achievers should have people following them as they lead by example but nobody likes or follows a me first attitude, sorry

Well, you definitely have it wrong again. My son ,although a high achiever is also very humble. Loves to hear people speak highly of him, but never brags and gets angry if any family members talk about how good he is. He, as well as many other top players I know, are fantastic leaders, but they also need to be educated as to who the competition is, and how to maintain their position in the pecking order and not become complacent. And as for the 10,000 hours, that was surpassed years ago!

If your kid practices 3 hours per day, 333 days a year(takes of every other Sunday) it adds up to 1000 hours in a year. They do this from age ten to age twenty they get to the outliers majic number of 10,000 hours. That is a ridiculous amount for anyone except much older professionals. Unless you son is now at the later stages of a college career the 10,000 hours surpassed long ago doesn't sound likely.