Really ? You seem to have all the answers,and a bit enthusiastic but your way off and really clueless, so clueless that your out of touch for a botc reader.
Rotanz has been retired from teaching, Google his name and you will see he is the st Josephs college head men's coach.
Get with the times. He's not giving up his D1 coaching job which in English it's a collegiate coaching career . Don't underestimate capabilities.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
I wouldn't count it out!

As long as his kid is playing at that school he will be on that sideline one way or another period! The only ones not buying it are the ones who pay for it on 91 !

Your kidding yourself if you think its not going to happen.

Really?? He's going to give up his D1 College Lacrosse job for a $6K HS job? You are a special kind of stupid!
If, and IF, they make a change, it would be Rotanz, since he works there.