Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have to share this age story I heard yesterday about this crazy game of Lacrosse. I will preface what I say here with the fact that the story comes second hand from 15 and 16 year old kids. With that said, some boys recently played in the 2017 bracket at a well known tournament in Del. last weekend. Again, allegedly this IMG team from Florida had multiple kids 19 and 20 years old. One kid (man) had his THREE YEAR OLD SON there watching him play. Another man had a Duck Dynasty beard and admitted to the LI kids he was already 21. Again, I heard this second or third hand, but if it's even remotely true...
Is it not time to move this now completely bastardized sport to an age based system? How is this allowed to continue?

21 is a stretch. 18 or 19 is more like it. IMG has a PG team they travel around with. That's basically a college freshman team. The 3 year old kid thing, I have no answer for that one.