Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Superintendents don't care about athletics. They want a steady no drama coach and if they win its a plus. Only the education matters. They want a coach that doesn't get them phone calls or surprise visits at board meetings. I love the fact that the parents on here can't name their kids 6 or 7 teachers during the SCHOOL DAY but know everything about coaches . Get your priorities straight people!

Only the education matters? Life lessons are learned in sports, not in classrooms. Education first, but athletics is a wonderful environment to learn about life. Too many maladjusted kids are leaving school without the ability to be a teammate, learn to contribute to a greater good, set goals and work hard to achieve them, etc. etc. Athletics taught me what it took to be a winner and that translated to life--college, then business. I learned how to be a winner playing lacrosse. Sorry, it's not just the education that matters.

You also need a coach who is going to demand your best, treat you like a man-not a child, set the winning tone and be an example to follow. We have that in Coach D, but some parents want special treatment and want their kids to be babied. Great lesson to teach your kids, Mom & Dad.