When I come on here and read this board, there is always one thing that comes to my mind that I don't understand. If your daughter is playing on a team in the organization, why come on here and continually bash other kids, parents, and coaches in your organization? Tryouts were in the fall and you accepted your daughters position in early Jan. If you were unhappy then, why sign on? Why spend the $$ if you were not satisfied? The competition among girls travel lacrosse teams is at an all-time high. Programs such as YJ, TG, Liberty, and now Elevate offer a Premier Travel experience. Other Long Island programs offer a more moderate program like Beach Bums and Title 9 to name a few. Why continue to stay with a club that you have such a distaste for? (North port parents need not reply.) As I walk the sidelines bringing my daughter from game to game, I'm constantly reminded by parents about how their child is being screwed, or this coach sucks, etc. I say this not criticizing a parents view of their child's talents. Maybe she is misplaced. But why go through this every summer? For the money we are paying, why not explore other options? I know I would.