Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
YJ is not for sale and never has been all you jealous loosers.
Yes of the $2m asking price but someone said she wouldn't sign a non compete. Since she cant find a buyer she is going to get every age group to 5 or 6 teams already started with the 20's. And I bet when she gets to 6 she goes to 7. How many players didn't qualify for ELITE YJ this year. Answer they all made it even the kids who cant catch!
if your that unhappy with the program pull your kid and go someplace better..oh wait there isn't a better option your prob just upset bc you think your kid deserves to be on the first time and she didn't make it. Get over it. Let me tell you from my experience the kids are placed EXACTLY where they belong and it helps when you hit the recruiting portion in their lives. If your kid is not a true first team player then your kid will not get the looks of the top D1 schools. If you look at the first team from this years 2014 roster they are all mostly going top 20 D1 the second team is mainly going top 50 some D2 the third team going bottom 50 D1 or D2 and the fourth team mostly D2 or D3. That just shows she has the girls exactly where they belonged. In my opinion CR is giving everyone an opportunity they could not get from just playing high school bc colleges don't recruit high school games. Her top teams go to tournies that are stronger championship type (ie lax for a cure) it's a great system speaking from a parent whose graduated out. Stop the pettiness of criticizing one another if your not happy go elsewhere...otherwise support each other. If your kids a stronger player at the 20 level chances are the weaker girls are just slower in developing . Lots of time for skills to change I've seen it. I have seen some peak early and some not until college just enjoy it it ends before you know it and then you'll miss it all!!

Sad that you graduated out but are still trolling here