I am trying to keep the conversation above the line, so perhaps I need an id to differentiate my posts from all of the negative, name calling folks on this thread. It appears my experience has been so different than the folks with what appear to be legitimate concerns. I cannot verify them and must take them at face value. However, I am neither friend or family, have only one daughter to put through the program and my child will not attend any of the schools represented by LIYJ directors and/or coaches. We joined in 4th grade because my research on top programs lead me to YJ and to date the 2021 blue experience has been fantastic. No parent coach, equal playing time for everyone in almost every game for two years and no drama that I can see. Like I posted earlier, 20% of the girls changed year over year so there are opportunities to make the top team if you do not join in 4th grade. There were also two players with older siblings in the YJ program that were not back on the blue team this year. Perhaps a F&F list exists somewhere but I cannot discern how you qualify yet. As for girls on the team, it is not for me to judge their talent level but I have seen the 2nd team play and only a handful at most currently could be considered on par with the current blue roster. That will change as the girls continue to develop and I expect more changes in the years to come. As for cronyism and nepotism, it exists on every team, club and sport I have played, watched or coached in during my 35 plus years of experience in competitive athletics. That in no way justifies it, but find me an alternative program where it does not exist and I will stand and cheer for their integrity. Absent that option, my personal experience has been so much more good than bad with YJ and will continue with them until I see otherwise.

Excellent post ,except why would you say that the posters have legit concerns when your experience tells you differently? All this F&F name calling is just exactly that name calling with no actual facts to back it up.I know of many siblings in YJ with each sibling on a different level team so explain that if you are automatically placed on the top team.The whole F&F name calling started with a group who no longer on on the top team.