Originally Posted by Anonymous

Actually he's right. My daughter was 77 when she played up on the 2020 team and got 26 the first year of the 2021s as there were 26 kids rostered. The 12 on 12 was probable because someone was missing from practice or something. Hit me up at the next practice and we can talk it through. BV

There were 24 last year, #4 and #6 were on the blue team in 4th grade and in 5th were moved down to the 2nd team. Definitely 24 girls last year, because when the girl from NC was missing we had 23. But even 24 is too many, let alone 24. Doesn't affect you because your daughter splits game no matter what. You will see when it starts at the tournaments, you will see the act. Hopefully it will be toned down, as I think there are more than a few parents that are all too keen, but we will all live with it, as they are great players. She will catch up, or sit, she will learn not to try to go to goal all the the time or sit. Her dad will be quiet or she'll sit.