Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by libertydad
I never said Carol should run the jackets any way , if you keep track I agree with her a lot.I also have a great deal of respect for her, but I disagree with some basic philosophy can you say the same about Danielle?
Originally Posted by Anonymous
"In fact i've seen her demote some and cut some, something Y.J. doesn't do Express" by Libertydad
The fact that you either have no clue or are just a liar can be seen in that one statement. Kids get so called demoted in the yj organization every year to say otherwise is just ignorant.Who are you to say how yj should run their try-outs?

Yes I can because Carol helped Danielle get started because Danielle said she was not going to have a program on Long Island. Then she turns around and starts a program on Long Island so.... she is dishonest and has questionable ethics so yeah thats a problem. Know the history of the two programs okay?

Easy with the "dishonest and questionable ethics" comments about anyone, Danielle or Carol. If you actually know Danielle than you know that those words couldn't be farther from the truth.

Both women run successful businesses in the effort to grow and popularize the game of girls lacrosse. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that concept and both should be applauded for their efforts instead of being bashed on a blog. Both put in an exorbitant time into their players and their programs. They both have paved the way for many other programs to start up and be successful as well.

These women know each other for a very long time (they played high school sports together) and any perceived ill will between them is mostly folk lore these days.

There are plenty of payers, I mean players on LI. More than enough to go around. Why does one women feel entitled to be the only one allowed to tap this market, she has problems with all the other clubs, get your hands out of my pocket!