I am a TG parent and do wish there was more training in the winter and options for winter clinics. So I agree with you on that. On another note, having the extra time in the winter is nice since she plays many sports. We do not have to live at Inline or at KK. My daughter is happy and has met nice girls on the team. The sidelines at the tournaments last year and at winter games has been fine. Nice group of people. So if my daughter is happy and the people I am around are nice to hang out with, TG works for us. It may not be for everyone and that is the beauty of living on LI with so many clubs to choose from. The Smith Family are good people and I know many feel that Shannon will not be around much, but so far that truly hasn't been the case even though people not affiliated with TG with say otherwise. You will always have those "pot stirrers". Good luck to all the LI club teams! Wish people could remember what really matters in life will not be found on BOTC.