Originally Posted by Anonymous
Only club left implies there were other A levels on LI at one time, which is not the case. Other clubs had a team or two that showed well in an age group, over the years, that would be considered among the top teams, but on the whole as a club would never be considered A level club.

Thanks for reinforcing the point that there is so little talent on LI and in the sport overall. Sure a handful of pure beasts out there but after that everyone is pretty much the same. That's why after you get outside the top 10-15 college teams you fall off a cliff talent wise. Have you ever watched a D1 team in the bottom third of the national rankings? they can barely catch and throw. Also the reason why this sport unlike any other could have the top D2 and D3 teams move up and immediately be in the middle of the pack. AVERAGE TALENT on all teams in all divisions again outside the top 10-20. If your kid can play you don't need the biggest baddest club. Coaches will still beg you to come play for them