Originally Posted by Anonymous
I heard they are way up in teams this year! I guess they don't need you HATERS!
BOTC hopes that you are correct. If there was recruiting interest last season and it carries through to this year, that ground-work was a success.

If the tournament increases the number of teams this year, that will be a great achievement. The Yellow Jackets and in particular Tracy were great supporters in our first year here on BOTC and it would be wrong of us not to recognize her efforts with us.

In our marketing the 2011 event, BOTC found that there were numerous girls clubs from Long Island and New Jersey that would not entertain options to attend their end-Summer Tournament even at a discounted rate.

We have ideas on how to change that picture.

We remain convinced that this end-Summer event COULD BE a tremendous anchor recruiting event for Long Islanders. Until the barriers between the clubs (and in particular the Yellow Jackets) come down, the event will be what it is - a nice local recruiting event focused on the Yellow Jackets.

Our phones and e-mail addresses are open to help.