Originally Posted by Anonymous
I want to know how 91 let there top players on titanium leave and combine with legacy. Why would they let that happen? That team is now going to be up there with Terps and a tight game with crush. If this is true great job zummo. Way to get legacy on the map and hurt 91 at the same time. Can someone please confirm this one way or the other. My son plays for express wish I would of known this was coming he is really not happy there but I knew it was the best for him. Welcome the feedback.

Up there with Terps? Tight game with Crush? please Stop! It is Legacy and 91 B team that was Crush B team. Express and Crush both destroyed Legacy last year and if I remember correctly Crush beat Legacy 2019 by close to double digits.
Terps are 7plus better and Crush 10 plus probably cloer to 15. Tom should recruit from A teams instead of B