Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you listened to the game, the commentators had nothing but positive things to say about both teams regardless that crush was won 30-0. They complimented both teams on their sportsmanship, players didn't get out of hand the way they typically do with blowout games. The Eclipse coach took the game as a learning experience & you can't tell a team to stop scoring completely. There should be a mercy rule in place but since there isn't, there was not much for either team to do.
the commentators don't have the slightest clue what's going on the losing coach's head or losing players heads. and yeah bro u can tell your team to stop scoring or slow it down. I did it a couple weeks ago with five minutes left in the gand the team I coach was up 11-1. time to pass the ball around the perimeter and not shoot. and one more thing.....u listened to an eighth grade lacrosse game on the radio or on tv? Wow.....boring life.