Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I guess you know the truth about it all

The truth is this team ALL went to the Workd series with birth certificates with a cut off if 5/1/2001 because other teams could not get most of their players at 6/1 or 8/1. This team also won [lacrosse]'s National tournament in Fl 2 yrs ago with an 8/1 cut off. People really should stop spreading rumors. This team is age legit and all just completed 7th grade with one finishing a younger grade. They work their butts and are extremely dedicated. Jealousy brings out the worst in people. If you don't like the team, the parents, the coach, their uniforms etc so be it, but don't lie or spread rumors.

I agree. Criticizing them when they are blowing people out, not playing their players or otherwise showing poor sportsmanship is justified. But in this case they are challenging themselves by playing up and doing well against older kids. Give them credit for their skill and for doing the right thing.