Originally Posted by Anonymous
Those black teams were so good that Hogan killed all of them but 2 this year. Left all of those kids in a tough spot making that decision after most tryouts are over for all the other clubs. #hoganisadbag #redneckparents #hawkssuck

Bitter, uninformed little man

You must be talking about hogan.[/quote]

bwahahaha love it! #hoganisadbag #redneckparents #hawkssuck[/quote]

don't post a reply, wait two hours and then reply to yourself pretending to be someone else, pretty transparent, go grind your ax somewhere else

Well I'm not sure who the hashtag guy is but I'm the one who posted the comment that you must be talking about hogan. I'm not sure I have ever even used a hashtag before. Nice try though. Don't let him get under your skin, that's what he is trying to do.