Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
just a quick note on holdbacks etc. sure there are some but at the end of day talent wins out. a slow, small kid will inevitably end up a slow, small kid. the reality of the situation is there are better athletes playing the game now. they are bigger and faster. kids who's parents played football or hoops and by default were better athletes back in the day. have any of you seen the size and athleticism at an AAU hoops game or FBU football game at this age group?

Not sure that I really follow the point, a holdback is a holdback, regardless of their athletic ability (and there a lot more than "some"). Yes there are players that are more athletic than others, but they should be better playing kids their own age. Obviously, when high school comes around, things level out, and perhaps to the disadvantage of the holdback that has been playing kids 2 or 3 years younger. As for the single tournament guest players, that is simply pathetic, there is absolutely no justification for it, maybe to replace a goalie, but otherwise total nonsense.

^^^ What she said.