Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just a off topic question but interested in the answers I get. 1.What would you pay for a half hour/hour sit down with a Youth sport expert to help you come up with a plan of action for your kid and his sports long term plan?
2. What would you pay to have this person check in with you and your son every 3 or 6 months for follow up advice? 3. Would you only trust this person if he or she had no affiliation with any club team or high school?

Yes I am looking at starting this kind of service. I have had 3 kids go through this travel sports crazy ride and have wished along the way I could call a stranger and ask what would you do?

People are stupid and will pay for anything if they think it's going to get little johnny that scholarship. How else do you explain the thousands of parents playing 2-3k plus all the travel for their son to play on B and C level teams?

Well my point will be lets sit down and really look at your son and what you want and what he wants. You can pay me $50 or $100 to help you work this out. And it can save you 2-3k. But I think most parents at the end of this ride with or without a college roster spot still are happy with what they paid for and went through. I think the most important thing is a outside real opinion about your son. This can not be from a high school coach or club coach. They both have bias. If they coached you for years they can not tell you " you are not college lacrosse material" that makes them look bad. Would you pay $50 to talk about your kid to someone unbiased? I think a real answer to if your son is D1 or D2 or D3 is a huge help. I am aware this answer can not be 100% correct and each kid can change there spot at any time.

I do not think this advise would be useful or worth any $ in 7th grade. 10 or 11th maybe but how could any outsider know by sitting down what is best for a 7th grader? You should focus on coaching the parents into not being a bunch of D-Bags who worry about this stuff. Let the kids play and only they can determine what level of college team they should strive for by getting better. Later on in life, a coach will tell them for free. Do not forget that most D1 rosters have walk on's as well who knew they could play if no one else did. In the end there will be no free rides. If you choose a small private school to play lacrosse that you might not pick otherwise you may end up paying a lot more than 2-3K. This advice was free.

It would be short term advice also. Like your son is a A level travel player, Your son should move to long pole or D- Middie. You should never play for the Crabs the cheat ( only a Joke). All of these choices you make about your kid in 7 to 10 grade line up and change the chances of him playing college lacrosse. I think everyone by now knows the payback for what we pay to play with all this lacrosse is not good. But I also see very clearly that the parents and kids still want to go after these college and Varsity high school spots. And would anyone on here like to have someone help you decide to send your kid to Landon, PVI or a local public school? Most of the people that come to this site have lots of lacrosse back ground and know the ends and outs. Can you say that about 45% of the parents on the sidelines of a HOCO game?