Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’m not concerned about not making M&D but just hope they can handle the rosters better than last year. Players posting them on social media and coaches having to pull players one on one prior to the final games was brutal to witness. They can and should do better this summer.
Considering M and D has tryouts and then a tourney, once again this will repeat itself. Talk about degrading to a group of girls. I watched it all go down and my heart broke for all the girls especially the ones that were moved down.

Boy of boy - do people love telling and retelling this story. Anything to make a successful team look bad, right? There was an error, information got out, they had to deal with it. Many clubs have tryouts the same week this year, and will play a big tournament the following weekend. There absolutely NO reason to say this will happen again to this team.