Originally Posted by Anonymous
the bubble was burst and just like that kaboom!!! funny to read all the previous comments about white being the best team but now less than a month later everything has changed

so now green 26 takes a few good players off white and the rest of the white team implodes and really it is very simple becuz white was never going to be green
really it was always about the white goalie she was the difference maker and probably on green next season

we will see in the coming weeks what heros green and other A level lacrosse teams think of player fallout when tryouts are completed and see who makes what team or not

I watched Heros White LOSE to M and D black at the one tourney. What I did watch and was disgusted by the players and their parents. M and D and the YJ were in the finals. Heros white team sat on the sidelines and cheered for YJ. Watched that team yell at M and D players and berate them. Unreal. So yes all these comments about Heros being a toxic club saw it first hand. Sad thing about all this is these girls will at one time or another be in school together and play lax together. Then again it stems from their classless parents and trickles down to the kids.